Thursday 19 March 2015



When thinking about photography, one of the main things to look into is the lighting that will effect your image. Paying more attention to the light in your photo is one of the most important things to consider if wanting to improve your photography skills. If it's a landscape you are aiming to capture, then natural lighting could be more important than the subject itself and different types of natural light can produce a wide variety of subject appearances despite having the same source of lighting. Achieving how to find the right lighting for your subject may involve looking into the time of day and what the weather is like.

After noon, when the sun is starting to set, this will result in a lower contrast of light as it will not highlight the subject or give the warmer overall appearance.

Extent and type of cloud cover is also something to be taken into consideration. It is another influential cause of the variation of lighting. Because of cloud cover, the balance between direct sunlight and skylight changes the contrast and colour temperature of the subject.

Three most important factors to think about when aiming for a good lighting:

  • time of day
  • camera direction
  • weather

I believe that lighting is one of the most important things to be taken in to consideration when taking photographs. It not only has the ability to change the look of the image but how to make certain areas of the image stand out and capture attention more.

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