Thursday 19 March 2015




The exposure of a photograph is what determines how dark or light an image will appear once taken. This is achieved by the use of three camera settings:

  • Aperture
  • ISO 
  • Shutter speed

Also known as the 'exposure triangle'.

Each of these settings control expose in different ways:

APERTURE - Controls the area over which light enters the camera
SHUTTER SPEED - Controls the duration of the exposure
IOS SPEED - Controls sensitivity of the camera's sensor to the given amount of light

If there is not enough light in the photographer's image, it is considered as underexposed and then if it is too light, the image will be considered as an overexposed photograph. However, none of this matters as there is no such thing as a correct exposure - the photographer over/underexposes their image to how they prefer. Usually, they will attempt to go for the very centre, and have an equal balance between over and under exposed.


Exposure scale

I believe exposure has a very important part to play when it comes to photography as it not only makes the image lighter or darker, but defines smaller details and enhances the tone of the colours in the images.

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