Thursday 19 March 2015



Another important technique to think about when taking photographs, is the angle of which you take the images. You can very dramatically alter the effect of an image depending on how you angle the camera when taking photos. 

Different ways of taking images:

  • Straight up

Taking images like above give a dramatic and unusual effect to the normal type of photograph - it shows how a forest looks from a low perspective and exaggerates the size of the trees.

  • Low down

By getting low, down to the ground, unusual angles can be achieved from the low position and can exaggerate the size of the subject. For example, the man's leg looks exceptionally larger than the rest of his body due to the fact that his leg is closer to the low camera.

  • Twisting the camera
By turning the camera in different directions, images that are difficult to capture when holding the camera. By turning the camera, the lens can focus around larger, more difficult objects to capture, such as the car below.

I believe that by considering different angles in which to take pictures, a more effective image can be produced and can even create a better, final photograph.

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