Friday 20 March 2015

My Theme and Images

My Theme and Images

I've decided to go with the theme of desertion/neglect because I think it's a very effective kind of photography that can, if taken well, produce some incredible images that tell stories and make people feel certain emotions.

The above photo is one I took, originally in colour but decided to use Photoshop CS6 to convert it into black and white as I think it looks more effective and sharper. It is a photo of an abandoned building in my town that I thought would fit into my theme very well as it has been abandoned for years and has the old, neglected look I was looking for.

My second image is of the same building, though a close up and in colour. I changed the exposure to a brighter one so some details could be seen easier and I increased the sharpness in order to highlight certain details such as the grass and edges of the door. 

My third image is of a neglected old house that hasn't been lived in for a while. The previous owners didn't take care of it and left it in a mess, which I thought would be effective for my theme of neglect and desertion. Below is the photo I chose of the spiral staircase which I liked because of the unusual angles and natural lighting provided by the window in the top right corner, below the firs flight of stairs. I increased the brightness and cropped the image so the main focus would be of the stairs and shapes the image creates. 

My fourth image is of old, abandoned mills which haven't been used for multiple years. With the broken and boarded windows, graffiti and antique look, I thought they were perfect for my theme. I originally though to change the image to a black and white photograph, but then decided to decrease the opacity of the effect so it's not completely colourless. I thought the angle of the buildings and the road leading off between the building created the effect of dimension and an almost 'mysterious' look to the image.

My fifth and final image is of a different, smaller mill that hasn't been used for ages, and I thought the chipped pain on the green door especially portrayed the look of neglect as well as the broken furniture to the left. The drab colours an slightly out of focus image created an older look I was trying to achieve and the stained tiles of the room on the right also contribute to my theme.

I personally believe my favourite photo out of my five final ones is definitely the first image as the black and white added more effect and an older look to the image, which contributed well to my theme of neglect and desertion. I like the angle of which I chose to take the image as it shows not only the closest part of the building but the length of it and how all of the building is falling apart and is a neglected building.

Still Life Images

Still Life Photography - Images

Below are some images of still life photography. I very much like still life photography as it is most of the time, very simple images created yet very unique with use of colour and layout.

Action Shot Images

Action Shot Photography - Images

Below are some action shot photography of animals and sports stars. I believe action shots are very effective when capturing things in motion. Though action shots are not one of my personal favourite types of photography, I do think it is very clever and provides people with an idea of how things may look when in movement. 

Thursday 19 March 2015

Landscape Images

Landscape Photography - Images

Below is a collection of landscape photographs. I thin landscape photography is very beautiful and captures the many wonders of life. Besides from being nice to look at, nature photography also manages to show clever use of the camera as bright colours and focuses are used for different types of landscapes.

Portrait Images

Portrait Photography - Images

Below is a collection of portrait photographs of people, some celebrities. I think portrait photography is beautiful as it captures a person in a very natural way, where it is just a person without props or anything else.

Macro Images

Macro Photography - Images

Below is a collection of macro photography of nature, insects and animals. I think macro images are very effective when looking at close details as it helps you see things that are not usually visible to the naked eye.

Food Photography

Food Photography

One form of still life photography would be the focus on different types of food. Commonly used for advertising and making food look appetizing,food photography is used to show in packaging, cook books, menus and magazines how good a food product is.

Usually, professional food photography will involve the help and efforts of an art director, a
photographer and a food stylist.

These two meals were prepared before hand by a food stylist

The job of a food stylist is to prepare and lay out the food in an attractive way for the final image, and they take extra, careful time as opposed to someone at home who would not take as much care or time to prepare the food to look quite as good as how a photographer captures it in images.

Over the years, food photography has developed from the original idea of shooting images from a birds-eye point of view like how someone consuming the food would see it, to more creative ideas like having the food in mid air, to being photographed from different and unusual angles.

Creativity with food

I think food photography is a great way to persuade people to buy the products and to tempt them into trying something from a possible menu or shopping list. It always looks appetising in the photography and always is incredible to look at, especially when they stylist have become creative with their layout of the food.